Distance: 4.1 km (1.5 DOC hours) - Road - Easy-moderate terrain
Altitude: 642m to 855m. Gain: 79m. Loss: 246m . Gradient: 5 deg (Gentle)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

A predator-proof fence has been built along the ridgeline from Jenkins Hill to Third House, and as such this is no longer a pleasant tramping track, but a bulldozed scar along the ridgeline.

Heading east from the signpost, follow the fenceline. A couple of places you get teh option of steep direct descents along the fence, or zigzags on the construction track. It does not matter which you choose, they go the same place.

100m before Thirst House, a small corflute handwritten sign stapled to a log marks the turnoff to the hut. Not obvious, though there is a small orange triangle too. A pleasant tramping track runs the remaining 100m to exit in a large clearing containing the hut.

Created by: Madpom on 2015-08-12. Experienced: 2015-08-08
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