From Waterfall Hut to McKinnon Hut Turn off via Kawhatau River part 1
Distance: 10.5 km (6.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate-hard terrain
Altitude: 827m to 1057m. Gain: 549m. Loss: 760m . Gradient: 7 deg (Flat)
Skills: - Prolonged rivers (4/6)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

An relatively easy route in low flows for most of the length. Travel is all in the river - there are limited options for sidling. There is an extended gorge section approximately 1km upstream of the McKinnon track. It is possible to get yourself into trouble in high flows as it would contain a number of fast bits of water (not long slow pools). Deepest part in very low flows was mid-thigh. Climb out of the river on the TR where the track down from Wakelings re-enters the bush after the sidle (on downstream bank of the side stream). It could be possible to stay in the river and exit after the bridge on the TL, but I did not try it so can't verify.

Last updated by: Bozzy at 2024-05-17 05:40:45. Experienced: 2020-01-19
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