From Te Atua Mahuru summit to Kylie Biv turnoff via Main Range Route
Distance: 5.1 km (2.5 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate-hard terrain
Altitude: 1372m to 1526m. Gain: 382m. Loss: 433m . Gradient: 9 deg (Moderate)
Skills: Alpine weather (2/7) Winter - Iceaxe/crampons (4/7)
GPX info source: Uploaded from GPS

From the Colenso Spur junction, a good ground trail runs north along the narrow ridgeline, though the track is still unmarked. Several saddles and summits must be crossed, with good water available at the tarn 1km north of Ina Rock.

If you drop down into the "lake", a good ground trail exists at the north western end, saving back tracking or tussock wading to get back up to the tops.

South of Tupari highpoint the ridgeline circles the head of dangerous steep, rocky slips to the east. 2018 - The first part (southern end) of the route leads onto the top of the slips which are a bit slippery in places, but negotiable. About half way along, a clear cut trail through the vegetation exists on the western side, leading away from the largest of the slips.
Stay on the ridgeline or scrubby western side, and avoid temptation to try the east.

A bit more tussock wading before swinging west over Tupari (marked with a trig), and the ridgeline drops slightly before swinging north again. Cairns at this corner mark the turnoff the Kylie Biv, 300m to the SE down a spur.

Last updated by: Ellya at 2018-02-09 03:38:40. Experienced: 2018-02-04
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