From Pt 2234 Camp to Lyell - Cockayne Glacier Junction via Lyell Glacier, McCoy & Rangitata Cols
Distance: 6.0 km (8.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear
Altitude: 1124m to 2201m. Gain: 41m. Loss: 1118m . Gradient: 11 deg
Skills: Glacier travel required (7/7)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

Travel up the Lyell glacier, take the gully/slopes on the TR after the buttress of pt 2080. Make a rising traverse to McCoy Col. Ascend short steep slope north of the col to gain easier slopes below Mt Nicholson. Traverse, descending and ascending as necessary depending on snow cover to Rangitata Col. Continue making a rising traverse to reach the flat area north of pt 2234m overlooking the Frances Glacier.

Last updated by: Megturnbull at 2021-03-03 23:47:29. Experienced: 2011-12-26
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