Distance: 3.5 km (3.0 DOC hours) - Unmarked route, clear - Moderate terrain
Altitude: 198m to 993m. Gain: 18m. Loss: 797m . Gradient: 14 deg (Moderate-hard)
Skills: - Streams (2/6) Winter - Snow/ice underfoot (2/7)
GPX info source: Drawn on map

Note: Described in the reverse direction to your journey

From the hut immediately cross a small un-named stream. The track wanders parallel to the lake for some distance across easy flats before turning uphill & climbing gently. The track steepens & climbs atop the first knob before plateauing again. A large windfall on the plateau has been cut around. The track then climbs steeply to pt. 703 to reach the ridge proper. From this point the track continues to climb steeply to the bush-line which is marked by a large orange triangle. Note: the track from Rodger Inlet Hut to the bush-line was cut & remarked by Permolat Southland volunteers in late 2017.

Last updated by: Reidpaulnz at 2018-09-27 00:10:03. Experienced: 2017-09-18
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